Your Posture Needs Your Attention!

Posture Assessment Screening in DHA Lahore Phase 5

Your Posture Needs Your Attention!!! The posture Assessment Screening Program is here

All of us are guilty of maintaining poor posture. We all bend over, reach for and lift objects in today’s society. We all lean over to look at screens and watch TV. We all cross our legs when seated. These are just a few examples of ordinary behaviors that, over time, can lead to bad posture.

Although we are aware on a societal level that these attitudes can cause poor posture, do we just not know how to correct it or are we happy to accept that this is a result of modern life?

Posture Assessment in DHA Lahore

We engage in activities such as going to the gym and spending our free time engaging in hobbies, exercise, and sports because of our jobs and lifestyles, which promote poor posture. As a result, we gradually deteriorate our posture, which causes us more pain and suffering. Poor posture develops as a result of the jobs we hold and the way we live. We then use the money we have earned to pay for therapies to relieve our muscular tension. Once we feel better, we look for leisure activities like going to the gym and spending our free time engaging in hobbies, exercise, and sports. As a result, poor posture returns, and we compound our bodies with additional work and exercise, resulting in a progressively worse posture that causes us more pain and ten.

But just imagine if we could stop this ongoing cycle. What if we were able to recognize our own poor posture and consciously decide to change? I predict that we would become healthier, more conscious, and more “well.” Awareness is where it all begins. Being aware of the possibility that we have postural problems, the fact that those problems can lead to muscle tension and possibly even discomfort, and the fact that our habits might affect how we stand.

In an effort to create awareness and provide accurate posture assessment screening, a team of trained Physical therapists at IMC Rehab Services is offering comprehensive Digitalized Postural Assessments in which you will not just find out how you measure up, and if indeed your posture is dysfunctional along with knowing what good posture actually is. These Assessments include a wide range of 2D and advanced Posture Screens, Movement Analysis, Lean Analysis, Sitting Ergonomics, and much more.

These assessments are designed to be combined with an effective treatment plan. For a more enhanced roadmap in posture assessment screening and effective techniques, visit IMC Rehab Services.


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