Back Pain & Sciatica

we treat your pain

We specialize in helping you get out of Back pain and back to doing what you love! 

Back Pain & Sciatica

Most of the people are suffering from back pain and sciatica. Patient with sciatic pain reports feeling of burning, numbness, tingling in their leg or foot and pain radiates down to their leg. Sciatic pain can be recovered completely through proper rehabilitation.

IMC rehab help people with low back pain to improve or restore mobility, reduce their pain, improve their quality of life through hands-on care.


Back Pain & Sciatica

Our rehab team completely evaluates & assesses the patient & makes an individualized plan of care according to their needs and condition.

We use many techniques to address patients’ concerns which may include mobilization, McKenzie techniques, dry needling, stretching & soft tissue techniques.

Moreover, we provide postural education & strengthening program that will help patient to strengthen their weekend muscles, and make easier for them to move around and reduce the further risk of injury.

Optimal Health Is Still Possible If You Have Back Pain

There are a number of people in Pakistan who live with the symptoms of back pain. At IMC Physical Therapy Department in DHA phase 5, we treat people who need the added support of physical therapy care to live an optimally functional pain free life.

Here are the answers to FAQs about Back Pain & Sciatica. 

What is Back Pain?

Back pain can range from muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. In addition, the pain may radiate down your leg or worsen with bending, twisting, lifting, standing or walking.

Who gets back pain?

Back pain is more common among people who are not physically fit, a diet high in calories and fat, combined with an inactive lifestyle, can lead to obesity. This can put stress on the back. Every day routine with desk job may also play a role, especially if you have poor posture or sit all day in an uncomfortable chair. Back pain becomes more common with age, particularly after the age of 45.

What are the causes of Back Pain?

Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligament. Degenerative changes and stresses endured by spine with aging. Other conditions that cause back pain are Herniated or slipped discs, Inflammation and wear of the sacroiliac joint, Spinal stenosis and Spondylolisthesis.

What are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

Sharp Pains and Not Just a Dull Ache

On the other hand, a dull ache is often normal and can be caused by poor posture or lifting heavy objects. However, if you are experiencing sharp pains, you must come for an evaluation at IMC Physical Therapy Department.

Numbness or Tingling in Your Extremities

If you’re experiencing this along with back pain, seek a professional Physiotherapist immediately. Find out whether you have lower or upper back pain.

Difficulty Walking or Standing

If you’re having difficulty walking or standing, it’s best to consult with IMC Physical Therapy Department for an evaluation and physiotherapy for pain management and treatment.

What can our Physical Therapy Treatment do to help with Back Pain?

The purpose of physiotherapy is to decrease your pain and help you slowly return to your normal activities. It may reduce pain in the soft tissues, such as your muscles, our physical therapist is an expert not just in treating, but also in early detection and limitation of symptoms at our department with different techniques like mobilization, manipulation, modalities & with exercises.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Physical therapy care helps relieve back pain. If you have back pain, or you think you have Sciatica & spinal stenosis, make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Asim at IMC Physical Therapy Department.
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