Physical Therapy Services

We specialize in helping you get out of pain and back to doing what you love!

Physical Therapy Services

IMC Physical Therapy specializes in physical therapy services to get you back on your feet. We are committed to helping you live a happier and healthier life.  Physical therapy services at IMC follow an American-based movement pattern approach to treat any pain, injury or disability causing dysfunction in normal routine activities. A physical therapy session starts with the evaluation and diagnosis of the problem. The primary complaint of the patient is classified as musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, women health, neurological or chronic pain and the rehabilitation program is carried out to improve range of movement, quality of life and prevent further injury or disability. Some patients are referred to a physical therapist by a doctor, while others seek therapy on their own.

IMC Physical Therapy provides best physical therapy services provider in DHA Lahore
Physiotherapist pressing his elbow on her hip while woman raising her leg in a IMC Physical Therapy Center

Some conditions that could benefit from physical therapy are:

  1. Cardiopulmonary conditions such as post-CABG, post-PCI, post-angiography, pleural effusion, respiratory and peripheral muscle weakness etc
  2. Musculoskeletal dysfunction, such as back pain, shoulder pain, hip and knee arthritis, neck spasm, scoliosis, disc slip etc
  3. Neurological conditions, such as parkinson’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, stroke etc
  4. Sports-related injuries, such as ACL rupture, shoulder dislocation etc
  5. Female health and pelvic floor dysfunction, such as diastasis recti, post-cesarean and post-SVD, urinary incontinence, coccydynia etc

Our Features

Quality, you can trust

We offer state-of-the-art service and latest equipment for faster recovery. Our qualified professionals are licensed and highly trained, assuring the best quality of care for our patients.

Easy connections

We make it easy for you to find an appointment slot by calling our front desk officers. 

IMC Physical Therapy Services are regulated by experts and is provided in state of the art facility, with patient’s comfort and preferences given utmost importance.

Wondering if Physical Therapy is Right For You?

Safe and effective pain management, recovery, and rehabilitation services
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