Hip & Knee Pain

Hip pain and knee pain is often caused by an over-use injury from a repetitive motion. Such as swinging a golf club or tennis racquet. Surprisingly, even a mild strenuous activity like gardening can cause a pain in the knee or hip pain.

Hip & Knee Pain

Hip pain and knee pain is often caused by an over-use injury from a repetitive motion. Other common causes include osteoarthritis, bursitis, or an injury or fall.

IMC Rehab physical therapy program can help relieve your pain, improve or restore mobility and optimize the quality of life through hands-on care.

Our rehab team creates a personalized treatment plan unique to the specific needs of your condition. The advanced treatment options we provide here can help you back to living your normal life.

We design rehab program which include any combination of specialized treatments, such as manual therapy, pain, and inflammation-reducing modalities, ultrasound therapy and specific therapeutic exercises to restore strength and pain-free motion.

Optimal Health Is Still Possible If You Have Hip & Knee Pain

At IMC Physical Therapy Department in DHA phase 5, we see people who need the added support of physical therapy care to live a functional and pain-free life.

Here are answers to questions we are frequently asked about this condition.

What is Hip & Knee Pain?

Hip pain can occur in the front, side, or back of the hip.  The nerves from the hip that travel down the leg commonly cause radiating pain in the thigh, knee, and/or lower in the leg. Pain may also be referred from muscles or joints.

Who gets Hip & Knee Pain?

People who are less physically active, overweight and have low immune system

What are the causes of Hip & Knee Pain?

Hip pain and knee pain is often caused by an over-use injury from a repetitive motion. Such as swinging a golf club or tennis racquet. Surprisingly, even a mild strenuous activity like gardening can cause a pain in the knee or hip pain. Other common causes include osteoarthritis, bursitis, or an injury or fall.

What are the Symptoms of Hip & Knee Pain?

  • Muscle pain, weakness, tenderness, and swelling in the hip and knee
  • Radiating pain to the leg
  • Disturbed walking patterns
  • Reduced range of motion and mobility
  • Difficulty doing simple tasks.
  • Some patients will experience difficulty putting on shoes and socks or doing other simple activities, such as bending down.

What can our Physical Therapy Treatment do help with Hip & Knee Pain?

Our physiotherapist will help you with early detection and limitation of symptoms by providing optimal treatment at our department with different techniques depending on patient presentation including medical equipment with strength, mobility, and strength-balance testing functionality.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you need Physical Therapy for Hip & Knee pain, please get in touch. We can arrange an assessment to determine the cause of your hip & knee pain and decide the best course of action, make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Asim at IMC Physical Therapy Department.

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