Foot & Ankle Pain

we treat your pain

We specialize in helping you get out of Foot & Ankel Pain to doing what you love!

Foot & Ankle Pain

Most people experience pain in and around their feet or ankles at some point in their lives.

Most cases of foot or ankle pain are short term and are caused by soft tissue injuries, such as sprains or strains. However, there are several common causes of foot pain and ankle pain, including sprain, strain, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, fractures, tarsal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis.

IMC Rehab program for foot and ankle pain focuses on pain relief, prevent the risk of re-injury, improve or restore mobility and optimize the quality of life through hands-on care.


Best Physiotherapist in DHA Phase 5 Lahore for Foot & Ankle Pain Therapy

Our rehab team completely evaluates & assesses the patient & make individualized plan of care according to their needs and condition and recommend lifestyle changes or orthotic footwear to prevent more problems in the future.

The treatment plan for foot and ankle pain typically include a combination of specialized hands-on manual therapy techniques, exercises and stretching, in order to restore joint mobility, improve balance, and strengthen the foot and ankle muscles.

Optimal Health Is Still Possible If You Have Foot & Ankle Pain

At IMC Physical Therapy Department in DHA phase 5, we see people who need the added support of physical therapy care to live a functional and pain free life.

Here are answers to questions we are frequently asked about this condition.

What is Foot & Ankle Pain?

Foot & Ankle pain refers to any type of pain or discomfort in your foot & ankles.

Who gets Foot & Ankle Pain?

A person doing too much exercise or wearing shoes that are too tight or any aggressive athletic activity can lead to foot & ankle pain.

What are the causes of Foot & Ankle Pain?

This pain could be caused by an injury, like a sprain, badly fitting footwear  or by a medical condition, like arthritis.

What are the Symptoms of Foot & Ankle Pain?

  • Pain when you move your feet or ankles.
  • Tenderness when you touch affected joints.
  • Swelling or redness of affected joints.
  • Difficulty standing or putting pressure on your feet.

What can our Physical Therapy Treatment do help with Foot & Ankle Pain?

Physiotherapists are trained to use movement, RICE protocol, modalities, mobilization, exercise, manual therapy, and advice to help get your foot and ankle moving again. They will show you exercises to practice at home to support your recovery. Our physiotherapist is an expert in diagnosis, assessment and treatment at our department with different techniques dependent on patient presentation including medical equipment with strength & mobility.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you experience extreme swelling or bruising, along with the inability to put weight or pressure on the area without significant pain, make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Asim at IMC Physical Therapy Department.

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